Monday, September 14, 2009

26 chicks in the sticks...redux

So I came really close to putting the farm on the market in August. Had a realtor come out and everything. Every time I pray about selling the place, I always get the same answer...STAY THE COURSE. Of course, this answer makes no sense to me, seeing how we bleed money out of every inch of this place! But I am trying my best to heed the Spirit and stay the course.

While in Birmingham temple last month, I prayed so hard for an answer and felt a strong impression to "use the talents I have given you." So I came home from Alabama with a renewed interest in seeing what my talents could do in the way of making this place work.

During the month of August, I had randomly started pursuing a few things, such as building my own brick oven and making cheese. I mean, I have all this raw milk from Elmer...what else can I do?

I figured I should get back to blogging and I have a lot to catch you up on....especially if you have not been following my adventures on Facebook. So stay tuned...and let the fun begin!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Back from hiatus

It was a long, cold, lonely winter...

We survived the winter. After recovering from the oil spill and surgery and a really bad Christmas vacation we settled in like hibernating bears. I don't think it got above 6 degrees most of the time. Every month was torture when the utility bills arrived. We spent about $1000 a month for oil, propane, and electric each month. I used to live on that kind of it just goes to heat...crazy.

We raised those meat chickens over the was the most expensive meat I ever paid for. I butchered them in January....probably a good month after they should have been killed. The meat is not really that good, so I don't think we will be attempting to raise any more animals for food. Beside, no one really had the stomach for it. Thank heavens for our neighbor Elmer who did the killing part.

Many thoughts of selling the place have been forefront in the family discussions. I think we need to stay for one more year until Nick gets out of high school.

Summer is fast approaching and lots of projects are underway. The roof will need to be scraped and painted this year. Whoever thought it was a great idea to slap a coat of house paint on galvanized steel was not very bright.

Anyway, not much else to report on....