Our other surviving barn cat, "Porch Kitty", had a litter of kittens tonight. She has been trying to get into the house for 2 days, always finding a way to sneak past us. When I was changing out of my work clothes tonight, I happen to look down into Kelly's dog crate on my bedroom floor and I saw the cat inside curled up on the dog bed. I asked Bob if the cat had her kittens in there and he said he didn't think so. Upon closer inspection, out popped the second kitten. We are up to 4 babies at this point, and it looks like she is done.

The other cat is doing well. One of the babies died the first night. She has 6 kittens left and just got moved into a larger kennel today as she was outgrowing the smaller crate we had them in.
The new paint mare is doing well. Her leg is healing up nicely and she is able to trot on it. The vet was here today to give annual physicals and shots. She said the paint looks great and will be fine.
Hey Michelle,
I've been thinking about taking you up on your offer of bringing the kids up. I think they would love it. Do you have any free time next week?
If the weather is nice, just give a call and come on out and see us. We love to have visitors!
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