Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The move

I am sorry it has been so long since I updated. It has been a hectic week moving. We made settlement on the farm last Tuesday and have been cleaning and moving and unpacking. It took all afternoon to clean out the coop to get ready for the chicks. They were so unhappy in the brooder. It was only good for about the first week.

I set up the area in the back of the coop for them since there was a baby gate on the doorway and I could keep them in a smaller area. It is about 36 square feet, and the chicks need about a sq. ft. per chick at this stage, so they have a little room to spare. It is good, because they have to share it with the mice.

The chicks are growing so fast. They do not look like peeps any more. They are getting their adult feathers and have some really big feet. They are standing about 7 inches tall, although the partridge rocks are a bit smaller. They are my favorites and I think if I ever order chicks again, I will just get them based on their temperment.

Bob got to use his new tractor on Friday. He was so happy and is finally getting excited about moving here. We worked on the electic this weekend. Most of the house is wired on the same circuit breaker and we kept blowing it trying to run the air conditioners.

We have a serious fly problem. The previous owner mulched around the house with manure extensively and I think this is the source. We have been going through so many fly strips that I may have to look into buying some stock in the company that manufactures them.

The house is coming along. Photos to come soon. I have to find the camera cable to downloads the shots I have taken. The days just are not long enough to get it all done.

I promise more to come later.


Anonymous said...

hi michelle
welcome in your new home,I hope all of you will spend some great time on the farm.But one thing I know is: like in all the other Masracolas houses,this new place will be filled with LOVE,TENDERNESS and PEACE (let's not forget michelle's great cuisine!!)
I love you all

MMJMama said...

Hi Michelle and family
just found your blog...
your farm is very nice...

greetings from Marc´s mum
